A couple of years ago a friend of mine introduced me to a book called Microworlds by Margherita Dessany. It is a wonderful book filled with whimsical images of tiny people photographed in the world at large. The juxtaposition delighted me, and for a long time, I've wanted to play with the idea myself, just for fun. That's what I'm doing here. But, before I do, please check out some of the artists who have inspired me below.

Margherita Dessany

There are probably many more artists, but these are the ones I know about. If you have some favourites, please leave me a comment, and I'll be happy to add them to the list.

The inspiration of this collection of mine will be drawn from the everyday happenings in my own life -- the ordinary things we do as we live and learn. I want to bring some fun to them. A lightness. Some humour. And maybe even a little magic. I hope you enjoy my world!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Stuck Steaming

The boy was steaming.  Seriously?  What was his dad thinking taking this detour?  It didn't even make sense.  It was hardly even a detour.  It was more like sight seeing.  Now they were stuck having to try to carry all the boxes of fruit back before they spoiled.  It seemed like an impossible task.  With every step Randy took, he sunk deeper and deeper into this...whatever this was they had driven across.  His dad -- the know-it-all -- told him to hold his basket a little higher and a little more out front of himself to distribute his weight a bit.  "Like a polar bear on ice," he said. Sure. Sure.  Like a polar bear on ice.  Good grief!

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